Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Learning to Overcome Fear: Starting a Business

Photo by: Dominique Ashley

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

-Walt Disney

Learning how to overcome fear has been one of my greatest challenges as a twenty-something year old millennial living in America. My biggest dream has been to get my photography business off the ground, and each day I say, "Today's the day!" But before that "day" begins, I see nothing but failure! And like so many of us, I quickly retreat and dream of someday seeing it through.
One day I told myself that the only way I can fail is by never trying. But each day I come up with an excuse that prevents me from starting.

Maybe you can you relate to one of these?

 "It's too hard"
 "I'll try again tomorrow"
 "What if no one likes what I am doing...?
 "Is this really what I should be doing?"
"This will never work..."

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? The way I see it is how can you expect people to believe in you if you cannot believe in yourself? I know I'm a darn good photographer, because I believe in my talent that God has given me. I just don't believe I can be successful doing it. So how am I overcoming it you ask? By constantly shooting and posting to my social media. I may not be very popular on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook but I am constantly posting content because one day a piece of my art will inspire someone. Your friends in real life and your friends on the Internet are great support systems to help you keep going. I never was worried about becoming well known, all I ever wanted was to make a difference through my work. Never forget why you started your business in the first place, that is our mission statement! Our words that navigate us through the turmoil of hard work and dedication. It is OK to stop and rest so long as you do not give up on your dream! 

When times get tough for me I follow three rules: Unplug, Walk in nature, and Travel

Unplug - When my brain becomes overwhelmed with too much clutter of self-doubt and noise I unplug. Unplugging is the best way to get away from social media and to get away from the anxiety of competition. I know we all want to be just like those that we idolize, but wishing to be like someone derails us from finding our true path. Stay focused!

Walk in nature- Walks in nature can help clear your mind, and rejuvenate your spirit. When was the last time you sat in nature and heard nothing but the birds chirping and the trees whisper in the breeze? Nature can also bring back your creativity in cases where there are creative blocks.

Travel- I know that when life gets a bit crazy from the same routine, here in my house we like to switch it up. For us we like to pack our bags for mini Disney getaways! Disney always takes away my self-doubt and I leave more inspired than I did arriving! Find your place of bliss if you are able to travel and see what it does for you!

My way of de-stressing isn't the same for everyone, but if you are having a creative block hopefully the rules I follow can help you as well! I would love to hear how you re-inspire yourself to keep going in the comments below!