Monday, January 9, 2017

Announcement & Update

It has been awhile since I have posted to my blog- life got very busy! But I have a beautiful announcement, I am pregnant with my first child and it's a baby girl! I feel as though I haven't been able to fully document my experience due to some bumps in the road, but from here on out I will keep track of (hopefully) everything. I will have a photo to post of my growing bump soon.

Shared by the beautiful blogger and photographer, Juli Williams, I will be using the questionnaire she used during her pregnancy down below:

How far along are you?
I'm 21 weeks + 4 days, I will be at 22 weeks by the end of the week (almost 6 months along)!

Baby's Size
Baby girl is the size of a carrot.

Belly Button In or Out?
My belly button is still in, however, it is almost coming out- especially after eating

Any Changes?
Yes, tons of changes! I now am a lot rounder so people do come up to me and ask me if I am pregnant. At work I try to dress in long cardigans so not many people have noticed! I get really bad allergies (I sneeze at least 8 times in a row, 50 + times a day) as much as I love our doberman and goldendoodle, their dander drives me crazy. My eyes are super dry so I have been wearing glasses since week 12 of my pregnancy! In the beginning when my hormones were trying to level out I had an unpleasant astigmatism and my doctor did not change my prescription knowing my eyes would go back to normal. They have, but now the dryness is just a discomfort (nothing crying and eye drops can't fix). Besides that, my skin is sensitive ( I burn easily in the sun) so I always wear sunscreen, even if it's 75 degrees out here in Florida (which is rare). I am trying to prevent stretch marks every day by lathering up with coconut oil and using an organic moisturizer which has been so helpful since the beginning by mixing the two. Sleeping has been getting a bit difficult, I wake up easily and it sometimes startles me! My heart tends to skip a beat and that sometimes scares me, but on a funnier note, I can't bend over anymore! So now I squat or pick things up with my toes (ha!).

Changes to the home?
We are currently renting a small one bedroom apartment in Fort Lauderdale that we will be moving out of in May (yikes- close to my due date)! So since I can't set up baby's room yet, I have been cleaning our home, and have been thinking of all the things to sell, give away or donate. Nesting has started, but getting rid of a lot of stuff and packing for the new home has helped this process. We have a garage at this apartment but in our new home we will not have so much storage as we would like, so we are working on becoming minimalists! I would never think to become one but, during this phase anything that is considered 'junk', must go!

Anything exciting?
Baby girl loves to let me know when she is hungry, she only kicks in the night and in the early morning. During the day she sleeps, except when I play loud music and sing (she likes to dance and kick). Any time I feel her kick at night, or feel her move over, I immediately have Justin feel or listen to her! He is always so in awe whenever he can feel her moving around. I love when he whispers to her and kisses my belly, they are already best buddies. I am mostly looking forward to seeing their bond once she is finally here in May.

My week 21/22 appointment is tomorrow, and I am praying all will be well. She is such a blessing to Justin & I!

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